MAHA TAIT Online Exam Question Paper Demo Mock Test
MAHA TAIT Online Exam Question Paper Demo Mock Test
MAHA TAIT Online Exam Question Paper Demo for Maharashtra Teacher Aptitude and Intelligence Test – Maha TAIT 2017. This is short quiz on Teacher Aptitude test, more questions and demo will be added soon.
Teacher Intelligence and Mathematical Ability Demo Test:
Sample Test for 25 point
Total Quiz : 25
Total Marks : 25
Total Time : 15 minutes
Sub Unit : IQ and Math
This is a sample Teacher Intelligence and Mathematical Ability Demo Test of 25 marks, each question has one point and the test period has been kept for 15 minutes, so students have to solve every question in just 36 seconds. After pressing the start quiz button below, a question paper will appear in front of you and the test period will start immediately. Since the test is based on specific factors, its time has been shortened. But teacher students should note that the Maharashtra Teacher Aptitude and Intelligence Test has and 200 marks and 200 questions, Which will be ask on various subjects given in Maha Tait 2017 syllabus. The important thing is that the duration of Maharashtra Teacher Aptitude and Intelligence Test is only 2 hours, so students have to solve every question in just 36 seconds. Therefore, it is important to practice the questioning in a timely manner. If you have any opinion about Maharashtra Teacher Aptitude and Intelligence Test, please write in the comment below.
Teacher Intelligence Test
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