Exam Accommodations at Western University (UWO) 2024

Western University (UWO) offers a variety of exam accommodations to support students with disabilities or other conditions that may affect their exam performance. These accommodations aim to provide an equitable testing environment by addressing individual needs.

Eligibility for Exam Accommodations

Students must register with Western’s Accessible Education Office (AEO) and provide appropriate documentation to support their request for accommodations. Documentation may include medical certificates, psychological assessments, or other relevant evidence of a disability or condition.

Types of Exam Accommodations

  1. Extended Time: Additional time to complete the exam.
  2. Separate Room: A distraction-reduced environment for taking the exam.
  3. Assistive Technology: Use of devices such as screen readers, speech-to-text software, or specialized keyboards.
  4. Breaks During Exams: Scheduled breaks to manage fatigue or medical needs.
  5. Alternative Formats: Exams provided in formats such as large print, Braille, or electronic versions.
  6. Scribe Services: A scribe to write or type answers dictated by the student.

Table: Common Exam Accommodations at UWO

Accommodation Type Description
Extended Time Additional time allocated for exam completion
Separate Room A quiet, distraction-free environment
Assistive Technology Devices and software to assist with reading, writing, or other tasks
Breaks During Exams Scheduled breaks to rest or attend to medical needs
Alternative Formats Exams in large print, Braille, or digital format
Scribe Services A person to write or type answers as dictated by the student

Process for Requesting Accommodations

  1. Register with AEO: Students must first register with the Accessible Education Office and submit relevant documentation.
  2. Assessment: The AEO will assess the documentation and determine appropriate accommodations.
  3. Accommodation Plan: An accommodation plan will be developed in collaboration with the student.
  4. Notification: The AEO will notify instructors of the approved accommodations.
  5. Implementation: Instructors and the AEO will work together to implement the accommodations for exams.

Key Contacts and Resources

  • Accessible Education Office: Provides support and coordination of accommodations.
  • Counseling Services: Offers mental health support and counseling.
  • Student Development Centre: Provides additional academic support services.

Important Considerations

  • Early Registration: Students are encouraged to register with the AEO as early as possible to ensure accommodations are in place for exams.
  • Confidentiality: Information about accommodations and disabilities is kept confidential.
  • Self-Advocacy: Students should communicate their needs and work closely with the AEO and instructors.


Western University is committed to providing an inclusive learning environment. Exam accommodations are an essential part of this commitment, ensuring that all students have an equal opportunity to succeed. By understanding the types of accommodations available and the process for obtaining them, students can better navigate their academic challenges and achieve their full potential.


  • Western University Accessible Education Office: AEO Website
  • Western University Student Development Centre: SDC Website
  • Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA)

By following these guidelines, students at UWO can access the support they need to perform at their best in exams.



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